G9955 Bench Top Dual Fan Dust Filter -9-
Changing the Filter
In order to maintain optimal operation, the filter in
the Model G9955 should be checked and replaced
regularly. Checking the filters once a week in a
small home shop is a good habit. Checking it
once a day during heavy use is important. Always
wear a respirator when checking the filter.
To check or replace the filter:
1. Disconnect power to the bench top air
2. Pull the filter out of its housing and hold it up
to a light source.
—If light shines through the filter, shake it off
in the garbage and reinstall.
—If no light can be seen, replace the filter.
Please see the current Grizzly catalog for the
replacement filter H4985.
Use a respirator when
cleaning or changing fil-
ters. Dust will become
airborne creating a respi
ratory hazard. For safety,
run the hanging air fil
ter for at least 6 minutes
while wearing the respi
rator after cleaning.
To avoid personal injury,
disconnect power to air
filter when performing
any adjustments, clean
ing or maintenance.