Model H6155 Rotary Mini Grinder -9-
Carbon Brush Replacement
Carbon brush life is 500–2000 hours,
depending on the type of use. Always
replace both brushes at the same time.
To replace the carbon brushes:
1. Use a small screwdriver to remove
the caps shown in Figure 6 from
the sides of the motor housing. Be
careful when removing the caps, as
the brushes may spring out. Gently
remove the brush using the tip of the
screwdriver if it does not spring out.
2. Examine the brush surface for pit-
ting or cracking. If the brush is
damaged or is less than an
/8" long,
replace with a replacement brush from
Grizzly Industrial, Inc.
3. If the brush is not broken and is dirty,
gently rub with a pencil eraser until all
of the dirt has been removed. Remove
all eraser dust so it will not interfere
with the machine.
4. Install the brushes and cap. Run the
mini grinder for 5 minutes to seat
the brushes before using it on a
Figure 6. Brush installation.
Daily Maintenance
These items should be done after each
1. Wipe the motor housing, flex shaft,
and tool bits with a dry cloth or blow
off dust and debris with compressed
2. Check for damage to bits, cords, or
the housing.
The flex shaft needs to be lubricated with
a light lithium lubricant or machine oil after
25-30 hours of use.
1. Remove the inner spindle
2. Wipe a thin film of lubricant on the inner
spindle. Note: Too much lubricant can
become messy and possibly get on
your workpiece. Do not use automo-
tive grease because it is too thick.
3. Re-install the inner spindle into the flex