Standard Operations
3. Press Return to return to the result display.
4. Confirm ’Store present reading again?’ to save the current
measured value with the dilution factor.
Note: When a dilution is in effect, the dilution icon will appear on the
Note: If using undiluted samples, set the dilution factor off again.
5.4.6 Run a standard adjust
The Standard Adjust function allows the calibration curve for a
stored program to be adjusted based on analysis of a known
standard solution. The Accuracy Check section of written
procedures often suggests a standard solution concentration for
this purpose.
Read a standard before setting Standard Adjust to On.
1. Follow the entire procedure, using a known standard for the
2. After reading the concentration, press
Options>More>Standard Adjust.
3. If Standard Adjust is set to Off, turn it On.
The Current Reading will show the concentration. The box on
the right will show the default standard value for the test, as
mentioned in the procedure.
4. If the measurement used a standard concentration that is
different from the one displayed in the box, press the box on the
right to enter a different standard value and enter the new
value. Press OK to confirm.