The Bluetooth GPS receiver is detected as „BT GPS“.
By double-clicking the icon for the Bluetooth GPS
receiver, the available Bluetooth services icon is
highlighted in yellow in the service icon bar. Begin
establishing the connection by double-clicking the
third icon from the left.
Click Yes to confi rm the following dialog box.
Note the displayed serial port. You must set this in
the navigation software so that the navigation
software can communicate with the GPS receiver.
After correctly establishing the connection, the
highlighted icon for the GPS receiver changes to
2.3 PDA with Windows Mobile 2002
Opening the Bluetooth environment by tapping the
Bluetooth icon on the screen in the lower right.
Open the „Bluetooth Manager“.
Tap on Yes in order to search for available Bluetooth
The Bluetooth GPS receiver is detected as „BT GPS“.
Tick the box next to the entry „BT GPS“ and tap Save.
Confi rm this screen with OK.
Tap the icon for the Bluetooth GPS receiver.