Installing and Starting the HP-UX AAA Server
Installing the HP-UX AAA Server
Chapter 2 21
Installing the HP-UX AAA Server
IMPORTANT Be sure to review the HP-UX AAA Server Release Notes before installation.
The Release Notes list the requirements for each release, including:
installation, patch, and browser requirements.
You can access the Release Notes online at:
The following components are installed when you install the HP-UX AAA Server:
• AAA Server binaries, libraries, and utilities
• RMI objects that facilitate communication from the AAA server to Server Manager
• AAA server AATV module for authentication
Perform the following steps to install the HP-UX AAA Server:
Step 1. Log in to your system as root.
Step 2. Verify the product requirements are installed.
Step 3. Verify the required patches are installed.
Step 4. Download the AAA Server depot file from http://www.software.hp.com and move
it to /tmp
Step 5. Verify you downloaded the file correctly: # swlist -d -s /tmp/<AAA
Step 6. Stop any active Tomcat processes. Use /opt/hpws/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh to
stop Tomcat.
Step 7. Install the AAA Server: # swinistall -s /tmp/<AAA Server>.depot
NOTE If the installation is not successful, an error message is displayed.
The cause of the failure will appear at the end of
/var/adm/sw/swagent.log file.