
*CLS command, 9–5
*ESE command, 9–6
*ESR command, 9–7
*IDN command, 9–9
*IST command, 9–9
*OPC command, 9–11
*OPT command, 9–12
*PRE command, 9–13
*RST command, 9–14
*SRE command, 9–15
*STB command, 9–16
*TRG command, 9–17
*TST command, 9–18
*WAI command, 9–19
..., 5–5
32767, 5–4
9.9E+37, 5–4
::=, 5–5
, 5–5 , 5–5
[ ], 5–5[ ], 5–5
{ }, 5–5{ }, 5–5
|, 5–5|, 5–5
Addressed talk/listen mode, 2–3
ALL, 14–6
Angular brackets, 5–5
Arguments, 1–8
AUToload command, 12–7
AVAILable, 14–7
Bases, 1–13, 1–20
BASIC, 1–3
Baud rate, 3–8
BEEPer command, 10–6
Binary numbers, 1–13
Bit definitions, 7–4 to 7–5
BITS, 14–8
Block data, 1–7, 1–21
Block length specifier, 11–5, 11–12
Braces, 5–5
Bus addressing, 2–4
C programs
See Examples
RS-232-C, 3–3
CAPability, 10–7
Card identification numbers, 10–8
CARDcage command, 10–8
Case sensitivity, 6–9
CATalog, 12–8
CD, 12–9
CESE, 10–10
CESR, 10–11
Clear To Send (CTS), 3–5
Clock, 10–20
CME, 7–5
Comma, 1–13
Command, 1–7, 1–17
*CLS, 9–5
*ESE, 9–6
*OPC, 9–11
*PRE, 9–13
*RST, 9–14
*SRE, 9–15
*TRG, 9–17
*WAI, 9–19
AUToload, 12–7
BEEPer, 10–6
BITS, 14–8
CD (change directory, 12–9
CESE, 10–10
Combining, 1–10
COPY, 12–10
DATA, 11–5
DELete, 13–6
DOWNload, 12–11
DRIVe, 14–9
DSP, 11–6
EOI, 10–13
Errors, 8–3
Execution, 6–3
HEADer, 1–17, 11–8
INITialize, 12–14
INPort, 13–8
INSert, 13–9
LASTstate, 14–10
LOAD:CONFig, 12–15
LOAD:IASSembler, 12–16
LOCKout, 3–10, 10–14
LONGform, 1–17, 11–9
MENU, 10–15
MESE, 10–16
MKDir, 12–17
Mode, 2–3
MSI, 12–18
NAMe, 14–11
Organization, 5–10
OUTDrive, 13–10
OUTPolar, 13–10
OUTType, 13–11
PACK, 12–19
PORTLEV, 13–13
PRINt, 11–10
PULse, 14–12
PURGe, 12–20
REName, 12–22
RMODe, 10–19
RTC, 10–20
SELect, 10–21
SETColor, 10–23
SETup, 11–12
SIGNal, 14–12
SKEW, 13–14
STARt, 10–24
STATEs, 14–14
STEP, 14–15
STOP, 10–25
STORe:CONFig, 12–23
Structure, 1–5
SYStem:DATA, 11–5
SYStem:SETup, 11–12
TGTctrl, 14–5
TOGgle, 14–15
TREE, 13–15
TYPe, 14–16
Types, 5–6
XWINdow, 10–26
Command tree, 5–6
SELect, 10–22
Common commands, 1–10, 5–6, 9–2
Communication, 1–3
Compound commands, 1–9
Configuration file, 1–4
Control level, 4–4 to 4–5
Controllers, 1–3, 4–5
mode, 2–3
Conventions, 5–5
COPY, 12–10
CURSTate, 14–9