12: The Equation Solver 169
File name : English-M02-1-040308(Print).doc Print data : 2004/3/9
Table 12-2. Solver Functions for Equations
Function Description
ABS(x) Absolute value of x.
ALOG(x) Common (base 10) antilogarithm;
CDATE Current date.
CTIME Current time.
DATE(d1:n) The date n days after (when n is
positive) or before (when n is
negative) date d1. The format for d1
is set in the TIME/SET menu.
DDAYS(d1:d2:cal) Number of days between dates d1
and d2. Formats for d1 and d2 are
set in the TIME menu; cal designates
the calendar:
cal = 1 for the actual calendar,
which recognizes leap years.
cal = 2 for the 365-day
calendar, which ignores leap
cal = 3 for the 360-day
calendar, which uses 12, 30-day
EXP(x) Natural antilogarithm; e
EXPM1(x) e
FACT(x) x!; factorial of a positive integer.
FLOW(CFLO-listname:flow#) Value of the specified cash flow.
FP(x) Fractional part of x.
G(x) Returns (Get) the value of the variable.
The variable will not appear in the
SOLVE menu if it is only used in L and
G functions. See L function on page