Solving Basic Problems
Solving Basic Problems
If your OmniBook has a problem starting, find the symptom below that matches
your situation. Try the suggestions one at a time.
If the OmniBook turns off immediately after it turns on
• Battery power is probably extremely low. Plug in the ac adapter, or insert a
charged battery pack.
If the OmniBook stops responding
• Press the blue On/Suspend button and wait a few moments until the icons on
the status panel stabilize. Then press the blue button again to turn the
OmniBook back on.
If necessary, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot.
• If nothing happens, insert a paper clip or other slender object into the reset slot
on the left side of the case, below the ac adapter socket. Push in momentarily—
the system should reset and reboot.
If the OmniBook doesn’t respond at turn-on
• Connect the ac adapter.
• Press On/Suspend to try turning on the unit.
• Insert a insert a paper clip or other slender object into the reset slot in the left
side of the case, below the ac adapter socket. Push in momentarily—the system
should reset and reboot.
If you get no response, remove the battery and ac adapter and reset the
OmniBook again—then plug in the ac adapter and try resetting again. If
you still get no response, the unit requires service.
If the cursor sometimes drifts on the screen
The TrackPoint is constantly being calibrated and sometimes the cursor drifts
during the process. If this occurs, remove your finger from the TrackPoint for 3
seconds to allow proper calibration.