
140 Troubleshooting Common Problems Chapter 4
Troubleshooting Common Problems
This section includes information on troubleshooting common library
problems. For problems that may be related to the host or application
software, refer to the host system documentation, the application software
instructions, and Host Software and Media Errors on page 128. If these
procedures fail, contact your service representative for further assistance.
Caution Consult the system administrator before cycling power. Never
cycle power when active devices are connected to the SCSI bus
or Fibre Channel bus. Cycling power when the SCSI bus or
Fibre Channel bus is active can cause data loss or hang the host
Table 27 Troubleshooting Table
Problem Solution
Library will not power on.
Check all power cord connections.
Make sure the power (standby) switch is on.
Make sure there is power to the outlet by trying another
working outlet.
Verify that the LEDs on the back of the library are on and that
the fans are turning to ensure the library is receiving power
(Table 26 on page 139).
If you have a multi-level library, swap power supplies with the
one on the lowest level.
Replace the power cord(s).
Contact your service representative.
Power-on test failed. An error
message appears in the front
panel display.
Follow the recovery procedures from the library front panel.
Note the error code and error code qualifier.
Contact your service representative.