AC adapter
spare part numbers 30
AC adapter, spare part
numbers 24, 25
action keys 8
locations 13
audio, product description 2
audio-in jack
connector pinout 87
location 11
audio-out jack
connector pinout 87
location 11
backup and recovery, Windows 7
backing up information 80
creating hard drive copy 76
creating recovery discs 81
Disaster Recovery utility 77
HP Recovery Manager 80
Instant Restore utility 78
performing a recovery 76, 82
restoring to previous date and
time 79
system restore points 79
using recovery discs 82
using Roxio BackOnTrack 75
using the hard drive
partition 82
Windows Backup and
Restore 78
backup and recovery, Windows XP
backing up information 83
creating a hard drive copy 84
Disaster Recovery utility 85
Instant Restore utility 86
performing a recovery 84
base enclosure
spare part numbers 26, 27
base enclosure, spare part
numbers 19, 29
removal 38
spare part
numbers 20, 27, 38
battery bay 12
battery light 10
battery release latches 12
boot options 74
TouchPad 6
TouchPad on/off 6
cables, service considerations 33
caps lock light 7
changing the language of Setup
Utility 71
chipset, product description 1
bottom 12
computer, major 15
display 11
display assembly 21
front 8
keys 8
left-side 10
lights 7
pointing device 6
right-side 9
TouchPad 6
wireless antennas 13
computer feet
locations 37
spare part number 37
connector pinout
audio-in jack 87
audio-out jack 87
external monitor port 88
headphone 87
microphone 87
monitor port 88
network jack 89
RJ-45 jack 89
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
port 89
connectors, service
considerations 33
devices, mass storage 23
Diagnostics Menu, Setup
Utility 74
Digital Media Slot 9
diskette drive
precautions 33
product description 2
display assembly
removal 61
spare part
numbers 15, 25, 27, 28, 30
, 30, 61
display bezel, spare part
numbers 21, 25
display enclosure
spare part numbers 29
display enclosure, spare part
numbers 22, 25, 26
display hinge caps
spare part numbers 27