Conventions Used in This Guide
The following terms and conventions are used in this guide:
Convention Meaning
NOTE Notes provide important additional information.
CAUTION Cautions provide information required to prevent damage
to equipment.
WARNING Warnings provide information to prevent personal injury.
Dash (—) A statement preceded by a dash describes the result of a
procedural step. For example:
1. Insert the paper cassette by sliding it straight into
the cassette slot.
— The Alarm indicator shuts off.
— The display reads 00 READY.
Check Mark (
) A statement marked by a check mark indicates a special
instruction related to a procedural step. For example:
1. Add paper to the cassette by placing it into the left
side first, being sure the paper is inserted below the
paper guide and maximum height guard.
To prevent paper jams, do not load too much paper
into the cassette. Leave a small amount of space
between the paper and the maximum height guard.
Make sure the paper lies perfectly flat in the cassette.
A key name is shown enclosed in a box to indicate that
you press that key on the control panel. Key names are
always shown in initial capital letters. For example:
1. Press
to access the printer menu selections.
UPPERCASE Printer status messages and operator call messages are
shown in uppercase. For example:
— The display reads 00 READY.
— The display reads 11 PAPER OUT.