Several sources of help and information are available, depending on
the type of help you need:
Your local vendor (the one from whom you bought the printer) may be
best equipped to help you. Your vendor has specially trained service
technicians available to answer questions, and the equipment to ana-
lyze your printer problems.
Often, “printing” problems have more to do with the application being
used than with the printer. In this case, the application manufacturer
is the best source of help.
Q-FAX, a QMS information retrieval service, provides application
notes, technical support notes on common printing problems, and
information about printer specifications, options, accessories, con-
sumables, and prices.
In the United States and Canada, call (800) 633-7213 to reach Q-
FAX. In all other countries, call (334) 633-3850. Have your fax number
handy when you call (or place the call from your fax machine's hand-
You can choose to have either a directory (a list of currently available
documents) or a specific document sent to you. The first time you call,
request the directory (press 2 on your phone or fax keypad when
prompted). Then call back to request specific documents. You can
order up to three documents per call.
FAQ numbers may be subject to change, so you may want to
obtain a directory of Q-FAX documents before requesting a specific