
Debug/Syslog Operation
Display the current debug configuration. If Syslog logging is currently
active, the list f configured Syslog servers is displayed.
Display the current Syslog server list when Syslog logging is disabled.
Configuring Debug/Syslog Operation
1. To use a Syslog server as the destination device for debug messaging,
follow these steps:
a. Enter the logging < syslog-ip-addr > command at the global configura-
tion level to configure the Syslog server IP address and enable Syslog
logging. Optionally, you may also specify the destination subsystem
to be used on the Syslog server by entering the logging facility
If no other Syslog server IP addresses are configured, entering the
logging command enables both debug messaging to a Syslog server
and the Event debug message type. As a result, the switch automati-
cally sends Event Log messages to the Syslog server, regardless of
other debug types that may be configured.
b. Re-enter the logging command in Step “a” to configure additional
Syslog servers. You can configure up to a total of six servers. (When
multiple server IP addresses are configured, the switch sends the
debug message types that you configure in Step 3 to all IP addresses.)
2. To use a CLI session on a destination device for debug messaging:
a. Set up a serial, Telnet, or SSH connection to access the switch’s CLI.
b. Enter the debug destination session command at the manager level.
3. Enable the types of debug messages to be sent to configured Syslog
servers and/or the current session device by entering the debug < debug-
type > command:
ProCurve# debug <all|destination|event|ip|ipv6
Repeat this step if necessary to enable multiple debug message types.
By default, Event Log messages are sent to configured debug destination
devices. To block Event Log messages from being sent, enter the no debug
event command.
4. If necessary, enable a subset of Event Log messages to be sent to config-
ured Syslog servers by specifying a severity level and/or system module
using the following commands
ProCurve(config)# logging severity < debug | major | error | warning | info >
ProCurve(config)# logging system-module <
system-module >