Using Logging To Identify Problem Sources
For example, on a switch where there are no SyslogD servers configured, you
would do the following to configure SyslogD servers and and automatically enable Syslog logging (with user as the default
logging facility):
logging < syslog-ip-addr >
configures the Syslog
server(s) to use and
enables Syslog debug
logging. (In this case,
Syslog is automatically
enabled because debug
destination logging has
not been previously
disabled with other Syslog
servers already
configured in the switch.
(Refer to the Syntax box
under “Configuring the
Switch To Send Debug
Messages to One or More
SyslogD Servers” on page
The configured Syslog server
IP addresses appear in the
switch’s configuration file.
This command shows that
Syslog logging is enabled for
the listed IP addresses.
Default Logging Facility
Figure C-10. Example of Configuring and Enabling Syslog Logging
To use a non-default logging facility, such as lpr, in the same operation as in
figure C-10, you would use this command set:
HPswitch(config)# logging
HPswitch(config)# logging
HPswitch(config)# logging facility lpr