Macintosh Configure Device (Mac OS 10.2 and 10.3)
Macintosh Configure Device is a Web application that you can use for the following tasks:
● Check the device status.
● Configure the device settings.
Macintosh Configure Device is not supported for Mac OS 9.2.2.
You can view Macintosh Configure Device when the device is directly connected to your
computer or when it is connected to the network. You must perform a complete software
installation to use Macintosh Configure Device.
You do not have to have Internet access to open and use Macintosh Configure Device.
However, if you click a link in the Other Links area, you must have Internet access to go to
the site that is associated with the link.
To view Macintosh Configure Device
1. Open HP Director by clicking the HP Director icon on the Dock.
2. In HP Director, click Settings.
3. Select Config device, and then click Continue.
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