DAD Duplicate Address Detection. Refer to “Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)”
on page 4-18.
Device Identifier The low-order bits in an IPv6 address that identify a specific device. For
example, in the link-local address 2001:db8:a10:101:212:79ff:fe88:a100/64, the
bits forming 212:79ff:fe88:a100 comprise the device identifier.
DoS Denial-of-Service.
EUI-64 Extended Unique Identifier. Refer to “Extended Unique Identifier (EUI)” on
page 3-14.
Manual Address
Configures an IPv6 address by using the CLI to manually enter a static address.
Referred to as “Static Address Configuration” in this guide. See Static
Address Configuration, below.
MLD Multicast Listener Discovery. Refer to the chapter titled “Multicast Listener
Discovery (MLD) Snooping”.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. The largest frame size allowed on a given path
or device. Refer to “Path MTU (PMTU) Discovery” on page 2-16.
RA Router Advertisement. Refer to “Router Advertisements” on page 4-27.
SLAAC Stateless Address Autoconfiguration. Refer to “SLAAC (Stateless Automatic
Address Configuration)” on page 2-7.
Static Address A permanently configured IPv6 address, as opposed to an autoconfigured
Static Address
Configures an IPv6 address by using the CLI to manually enter the address
instead of using an automatically generated or DHCPv6-assigned address.
Same as “Manual Address Configuration”. See also Manual Address Config-
uration, above.