This manual contains the basic information needed to install and operate Bodine
115/230V “NEMA 4” series inverter model 2995. This manual
does not profess to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for
every possible contingency associated with installation, operation, or
maintenance. No warranty of fitness for purpose is expressed or implied.
Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which
are not covered sufficiently for the user’s purpose, the matter should be referred
to the Bodine Electric Company.
Read this manual completely and carefully. Pay special attention
to all warnings, cautions, and safety rules. Failure to follow the
instructions could produce safety hazards that could injure
personnel or damage the control, motor, or other equipment. If
you have any doubts about how to connect the control or motor,
refer to the detailed sections of this manual.
FIGURE 1 – Overview of installation for reference only and not be used as a replacement for the
detailed instructions within this manual.