
Working with Media
Take Up Reel loading
9 Press the button on the front panel to advance some more media, advance about
the amount shown below to enable you to insert the Media Weight
It is important that the Media Weight is the same width as the media you are using.
By matching color coded lengths of plastic tube, you can make a Media Weight for
different widths of standard media sizes: 24”,36”,42”,50” and 54”.
10 Carefully insert the Media Weight, ensure the end caps are installed and extend over
the edges of the media.
CAUTION It is important that the media weight is inserted. The Take Up Reel will not
function properly without it.
12'' / 305mm
+ 54''/1372mm
+ 36''/915mm
+ 50''/1270mm
24'' / 610mm
+ 54''/1372mm
+ 36''/915mm
+ 50''/1270mm
24'' / 610mm
42'' / 1067mm
+ 54''/1372mm
+ 36''/915mm
+ 50''/1270mm
42'' / 1067mm
+ 54''/1372mm
+ 36''/915mm
+ 50''/1270mm
8'' / 203mm8'' / 203mm8'' / 203mm
12'' / 305mm
42'' / 1067mm
+ 54''/1372mm=
+ 36''/915mm=
+ 50''/1270mm=
12'' / 305mm
42'' / 1067mm
+ 54''/1372mm=
+ 36''/915mm=
+ 50''/1270mm=
Media Weight
Back Media --------->
Forward Media ---->