Label Name and Description
11 Select Photo: Select a range of photos or all photos.
Space and #: Enter spaces and pound signs for fax-related tasks.
Start Color: Start a color copy, scan, photo print, or fax job.
Start Black: Start a black-and-white copy, scan, photo print, or fax job.
Cancel: Stop a job, exit a menu, or exit settings.
15 Up arrow: Navigate up through menu options, move the viewing area up in zoom
mode, or navigate the visual keyboard.
Down arrow: Navigate down through menu options, move the viewing area down
in zoom mode, or navigate the visual keyboard.
Right arrow: Increase values, move the viewing area right in zoom mode,
navigate the visual keyboard, or go forward when viewing photos on the color
graphics display.
Left arrow: Decrease values, move the viewing area left in zoom mode, navigate
the visual keyboard, go back when viewing photos on the color graphics display, or
exit menus.
OK: Select a menu, image, setting, or value on the color graphics display.
17 Attention light: Indicates a problem occurred. See the color graphics display for
more information.
18 Scan: Presents or removes the Scan To menu for selecting options. Select the
scan function. When the button is lit, the scan function is selected.
19 Copy: Presents or removes the Copy Menu for selecting options. Select the copy
function. When the button is lit, the copy function is selected. The button is lit by
20 Help: Display a list of specific help topics. The topic that you select opens a help
window on your computer screen.
21 Photo tray light: Indicates that paper from the photo tray is used.
22 Photo tray: Select the photo tray for a specific photo print job or copy job from the
control panel.
Setup: Access the menu system for device preferences, reports, and maintenance.
Color graphics display icons
The following icons appear at the bottom of the color graphics display to provide
important information about your HP All-in-One.
Chapter 1
6 HP Photosmart 3100 All-in-One series