Top level menu Submenus/options Additional submenus/
Print quality Print quality:
Ɣ Best (default)
Ɣ Normal
Print test page
Clean cartridge Continue to second level
Ɣ Yes
Ɣ No
Continue to third level
Ɣ Yes
Ɣ No
Align cartridge
The Bluetooth menu
options are needed if you
equip the printer with the
optional HP Bluetooth
wireless printer adapter.
Device address Device address:
Device name (You can select a device
name for the printer that
appears on other devices
with Bluetooth wireless
technology when they
locate the printer.)
View Passkey
Change Passkey (You can assign a
Bluetooth numerical
passkey to the printer that
users of devices with
Bluetooth wireless
technology trying to locate
the printer must enter
before they can print, if
the printer Bluetooth
Security level is set to
High. The default
passkey is 0000.)
Accessibility Accessibility:
Ɣ Visible to all
Ɣ Not visible
hen Accessibility is
set to Not visible,
only devices that
Chapter 1
Printer menu structure (continued)
8 HP Photosmart 370 series