Link Width Enabled Enabled link width (bandwidth). The value is an integer that
indicates the enabled link-width sets for this port. The value
may be:
• 0 (no state change)
• 1 (1x)
• 2 (4x)
• 3 (1x or 4x)
• 8 (12x)
• 9 (1x or 12x)
• 10 (4x or 12x)
• 11 (1x, 4x or 12x)
• 255 (set this parameter to the link-width-supported value)
Link Width Supported Supported link width. The value is 1 (1x), 3 (1x or 4x), or 11
(1x, 4x, or 12x).
Link Width Active Active link width. Used in conjunction with LinkSpeedActive
to determine the link rate between two nodes. The value is 1
(1x), 2 (4x), or 8 (12x).
Link Speed Supported Supported link speed. The value is 1 (2.5 Gbps).
State A higher form of addressing than PhyState, State determines
that the nodes can actually communicate and indicates the state
transition that has occurred. A transition is a port change from
down to initialize, initialize to down, armed to down, or active
to down as a result of link state machine logic. Changes to the
port state resulting from SubnSet have no affect on this
parameter value. The value is noStateChange, down, initialize,
armed, or active.
Physical State Indicates the physical state of the port. This is used to determine
that electricity is flowing between nodes and they can perform a
handshake. The value is noStateChange, sleeping, polling,
disabled, portConfigurationTraining, linkup, or
linkErrorRecovery. The default state upon powerup is polling.
Link Down Def State Default LinkDown state to return to. The value is
noStateChange, sleeping, or polling. Refer to section 5.5.2,
Status Outputs (MAD GET), “InfiniBand® Architecture, Vol. 2,
Release 1.0”, for more information.
MKey Protocol Bits Management key protection bits for the port. The bits are 0, 1, 2,
and 3. Refer to section, Levels of Protection,
“InfiniBand® Architecture, Vol. 1, Release 1.0”, for more
LMC Local-identifier mask control (LMC) for multipath support. A
LMC is assigned to each channel adapter and router port on the
subnet. It provides multiple virtual ports within a single physical
port. The value of the LMC specifies the number of path bits in
the LID. A value of 0 (zero) indicates one LID is allowed on this
port. Refer to sections 3.5.10, Addressing, and 4.1.3, Local
Identifiers, “InfiniBand® Architecture, Vol. 1, Release 1.0”, for
more information.
Table 5-9: Topology Port Properties Window Fields (Continued)
Field Description