15-24 Programming
RANDMAT Creates random matrix with a specified number of rows and
columns and stores the result in name
(name must be M0...M9). The entries will be integers
ranging from –9 to 9.
RANDMAT name;rows;columns
REDIM Redimensions the specified matrix or vector to size. For a
matrix, size is a list of two integers {n1,n2}. For a vector, size
is a list containing one integer {n}.
REDIM name;size
REPLACE Replaces portion of a matrix or vector stored in name with an
object starting at position start. start for a matrix is a list
containing two numbers; for a vector, it is a single number.
Replace also works with lists and graphics.
REPLACE name;start;object
SCALE Multiplies the specified row_number of the specified matrix
by value.
SCALE name;value;rownumber
SCALEADD Multiplies the row of the matrix name by value, then adds this
result to the second specified row.
SCALEADD name;value;row1;row2
SUB Extracts a sub-object—a portion of a list, matrix, or graphic
from object—and stores it into name. start and end are each
specified using a list with two numbers for a matrix, a number
for vector or lists, or an ordered pair, (X,Y), for graphics.
SUB name;object;start;end
SWAPCOL Swaps Columns. Exchanges column1 and column2 of the
specified matrix.
SWAPCOL name;column1;column2
SWAPROW Swap Rows. Exchanges row1and row2 in the specified
SWAPROW name;row1;row2