Troubleshooting 51
In this section
Troubleshooting resources ....................................................................................................................... 51
Pre-diagnostic steps ................................................................................................................................ 51
Service notifications................................................................................................................................ 54
Loose connections .................................................................................................................................. 54
Troubleshooting flowcharts ...................................................................................................................... 54
POST error messages and beep codes...................................................................................................... 64
Troubleshooting resources
NOTE: For common troubleshooting procedures, the term "server" is used to mean servers and server
The HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide provides simple procedures for resolving common
problems as well as a comprehensive course of action for fault isolation and identification, error message
interpretation, issue resolution, and software maintenance.
To obtain the guide, refer to any of the following sources and then select the HP ProLiant Servers
Troubleshooting Guide:
• The server-specific Documentation CD
• The Business Support Center on the HP website (http://www.hp.com/support). Navigate to the
server technical support page. Under self-help resources, select ProLiant Troubleshooting
• The Technical Documentation website (http://www.docs.hp.com). Select Enterprise Servers,
Workstations and Systems Hardware, and then the appropriate server.
Pre-diagnostic steps
WARNING: To avoid potential problems, ALWAYS read the warnings and cautionary
information in the server documentation before removing, replacing, reseating, or
modifying system components.
IMPORTANT: This guide provides information for multiple servers. Some information may not apply to the
server you are troubleshooting. Refer to the server documentation for information on procedures, hardware
options, software tools, and operating systems supported by the server.
1. Review the important safety information (on page 52).
2. Gather symptom information (on page 53).
3. Prepare the server for diagnosis.
4. Use the Start diagnosis flowchart (on page 55) to begin the diagnostic process.