
8. With the separation increased slightly, the display cable can be disconnected using a probe.
Use caution to keep the OmniBook on a level surface. With the Top Case partially
separated, small internal parts may dislodge when the OmniBook is tilted at a sharp
angle. Place the probe at the base of the display cable connector between the two rows of
pins. Use a rocking motion to lift the cable from the connector. See the below illustration for
proper placement of the probe.
9. With the display cable removed, the Top Case and Bottom Case can be opened partially to
gain access to the keyboard flex cables (see below illustration). Do not open the unit
completely as this will damage the keyboard flex cables by pulling them out of the
zero-force insertion connectors. Open the zero-force insertion connectors and remove
the keyboard flex cables. The Top Case can now be removed completely from the Bottom
Figure 14 - Disconnecting Display