Environmental Data
Environmental DataEnvironmental Data
Environmental Data
Eco-Label Certifications
Eco-Label CertificationsEco-Label Certifications
Eco-Label Certifications
This product has received or is in the process of being certified to the
following approvals and may be labeled with one or more of these marks:
US Energy Star
IT ECO declaration
EPEAT – Gold
System Configuration
System ConfigurationSystem Configuration
System Configuration
The configuration used for the Energy Consumption and Declared Noise
Emissions data for the Convertible Mini tower Desktop model is based on a
"Typically Configured Notebook"
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC
Energy Consumption
Energy ConsumptionEnergy Consumption
Energy Consumption
115 VAC 230 VAC 100 VAC
Normal Operation
10.141 W 10.939 W 10.159 W
Sleep (Energy Star low
power mode)
0.55 W 0.67 W 0.51 W
0.484 W
0.61 W 0.45 W
Heat Dissipation
Heat DissipationHeat Dissipation
Heat Dissipation
115 VAC 230 VAC 100 VAC
Normal Operation
35 BTU/hr 37 BTU/hr 35 BTU/hr
2 BTU/hr 2 BTU/hr 2 BTU/hr
2 BTU/hr 2 BTU/hr 2 BTU/hr
* Heat dissipation is calculated based on the measured watts, assuming the
service level is attained for one hour.
HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
Energy Consumption
Energy ConsumptionEnergy Consumption
Energy Consumption
115 VAC 230 VAC 100 VAC
Normal Operation
8.436 W
8.58 W
8.373 W
Sleep (Energy Star low
power mode)
0.55 W 0.56 W 0.55 W
0.37 W
0.348 W 0.319 W
Heat Dissipation
Heat DissipationHeat Dissipation
Heat Dissipation
115 VAC 230 VAC 100 VAC
Normal Operation
29 BTU/hr 29 BTU/hr 29 BTU/hr
2 BTU/hr 2 BTU/hr 2 BTU/hr
1 BTU/hr 1 BTU/hr 1 BTU/hr
* Heat dissipation is calculated based on the measured watts, assuming the
service level is attained for one hour.
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
Declared Noise Emissions
Declared Noise EmissionsDeclared Noise Emissions
Declared Noise Emissions
(in accordance with
ISO 7779 and ISO 9296)
System Fan Off
Sound Power
(LWAd, bels)
Sound Pressure
(LpAm, decibels)
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4320s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4420s Notebook PC
Technical Specifications
DA - 13568 North America — Version 10 — July 23, 2010
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