
Ethernet 2
external media cards 2
graphics 1
keyboard 2
memory module 1
modem module 2
operating system 3
optical drives 1
panels 1
pointing devices 2
ports 2
power requirements 3
processors 1
product name 1
security 3
serviceability 3
solid-state module 1
visual 2
wireless 2
product name 1
release latches, battery 11
preliminaries 29
procedures 34
restore the factory settings 82
RJ-11 (modem) cable 19
RJ-11 (modem) jack
identifying 9
RJ-11 (modem) jack cable
illustrated 22
RJ-45 (network) jack
identifying 10
RTC battery
removal 52
spare part number 18, 52
Rubber Kit
spare part number 24, 35
Screw Kit
spare part number 24
security cable slot, identifying 10
Security menu
set up BIOS administrator
password 82
System IDs 82
security, product description 3
serial number 15, 34
service considerations 29
service tag 15, 34
serviceability, product
description 3
setup utility
File menu 82
navigating and selecting 80
restoring factory settings 80
Security menu 82
System Configuration
menu 82
ExpressCard 10
security cable 10
solid-state module
precautions 30
product description 1
removal 50
spare part numbers 19, 23, 50
specifications 87
solid-state module bracket,
removal 51
identifying 6
removal 46
spare part number 17, 46
computer 85
display 86
DVD-ROM drive 88
optical drive 88
solid-state module 87
system resources 89
static-shielding materials 33
switch cover
removal 37
spare part number 16, 37
system board
removal 71
spare part number 19, 71
System Configuration menu 82
system date and time 82
system fan 83
system IDs 82
system information 82
system resources 89
thermal material, replacement 59
tools required 29
top cover
removal 67
spare part number 17, 67
buttons 4
identifying 4
indicator 4
zone 4
spare part number 17, 48
TouchPad indicator, identifying 5
transporting guidelines 32
USB connector board
removal 73
spare part number 19, 73
USB legacy support 79, 83
USB ports, identifying 9, 10
vents, identifying 10
Virtualization Technology 83
visual, product description 2
Windows applications key,
identifying 7
Windows Embedded Standard
2009 operating system 3
Windows logo key, identifying 7
wireless antenna,
disconnecting 55
wireless antennas 13
wireless key, identifying 7
wireless, product description 2
WLAN antennas
identifying 13
WLAN antennas and
cables 20, 62
WLAN module
removal 54
spare part numbers 18, 54
workstation guidelines 32
100 Index