Service Calibrations
HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
Adjusting the CarriageĆtoĆMedia Distance
It is very important that the distance between the carriage and the media is
within certain limits. If the distance between the cartridge nozzles and the
media is too small, ink smears on the media. If the distance is too big,
unwanted spray appears around the ink dots, and vertical lines are not straight.
(A big distance may also prevent the carriage from actuating the bail lever.)
Whenever you remove the Drive Roller or the Cartridge Carriage, take care
to reinstall them correctly. Incorrect installation may result in the carriage
being too close or too far from the media. For the correct installation
procedure ' Chapter 8.
To check the carriageĆtoĆmedia distance
A Gauge (included with the carriage assembly) has been produced to check
the carriageĆtoĆmedia distance to make sure it is within the tolerances
allowed. Use this gauge to check the carriageĆtoĆmedia distance as follows:
1 Open the top cover.
2 Move the carriage out of the service station.
3 Remove the Yellow cartridge from the carriage.
4 Check the gauge to determine the GO and NO GO sides:
5 Place the gauge on the drive roller on the leftĆhand side of the carriage,
with the GO side facing the carriage, in the position shown below: