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Chapter 5
Algebraic and arithmetic operations
An algebraic object, or simply, algebraic, is any number, variable name or
algebraic expression that can be operated upon, manipulated, and combined
according to the rules of algebra. Examples of algebraic objects are the
• A number: 12.3, 15.2_m, ‘π’, ‘e’, ‘i’
• A variable name: ‘a’, ‘ux’, ‘width’, etc.
• An expression: ‘p*D^2/4’,’f*(L/D)*(V^2/(2*g))’,
• An equation: ‘p*V = n*R*T’, ‘Q=(Cu/n)*A(y)*R(y)^(2/3)*√So’
Entering algebraic objects
Algebraic objects can be created by typing the object between single quotes
directly into stack level 1 or by using the equation writer [EQW]. For
example, to enter the algebraic object ‘π*D^2/4’ directly into stack level 1
An algebraic object can also be built in the Equation Writer and then sent to
the stack, or operated upon in the Equation Writer itself. The operation of the
Equation Writer was described in Chapter 2. As an exercise, build the
following algebraic object in the Equation Writer: