1860a : h
LaserJet 5100
Affordable, high
quality, wide-format
further information
product overview
marketing info
technical specifications
product compatibility
compatibility matrix
product comparison
platform sales guide
localization matrix
printing overview
technical specifications
print speed first page out:13 secs (A4) , with instant-on fuser
technology, warm or cold start
dependent on type and print mode
*Speed specifications have been updated to reflect current
industry testing methods.
document type best
black text a4 Fastres: up to 22 ppm, Prores:
up to 11 ppm
black text a3 Fastres: up to 11 ppm, Prores:
up to 6.5 ppm
processor 300 MHz
standard :16 MB
Expandable to 192 MB through three
industry-standard DIMM slots
usingMemory Enhancement technology (MEt)
: 3 128-pin DIMM
print technology Laser
print quality
output draft normal best
black 300 x 300 dpi Fastres 1200
(1200 dpi
Prores 1200
(True 1200
typefaces/fonts 110 scalable TrueType fonts (80 built-in, 30 via HP Fontsmart
for Windows®), all PCL and Postscript accessible
duty cycle Up to 65,000
standard media sizes A3, A4, A5, B4 (JIS), B5 (JIS), DL, letter, legal, executive
custom media sizes Tray 1: 76.2 x 127 mm to 312 x 470 mm; Tray 2 and 3: 148 x
210 mm to 297 x 419 mm (or 280 x 432 mm); Duplexer: 147
x 210 mm to 297 x 432 mm
media types Paper (plain, letterhead, prepunched, bond, color, rough,
vellum, preprinted, recycled), transparencies, labels,
envelopes, card stock, user-defined (if using HP Web Jetadmin
or the HP LaserJet Utility)
max. media weight range Tray 1: 60 to 199 g/m2 (straight through paper path for
special media), Tray 2: 60 to 105 g/m2
maximum print area 303 x 460 mm
a3 size media 303 x 460 mm
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