Image is in one portion of the printing area
• Is the page size configured in the software too small?
• Are you sure that your software doesn’t believe the image to be in one quadrant of the page?
• Otherwise, this indicates an incompatibility between the software and the printer:
• Is your software configured for this printer? For general advice, see the Assembly and Set-up Poster. For
advice specific to your software, see the documentation supplied with the driver.
Image is unexpectedly rotated
• Check the front-panel Paper > Page format > Rotate setting.
• For an explanation of image rotation, see Rotating an image
Print is distorted or unintelligible
• The interface cable between your computer and the printer could be faulty. Try another cable to see if the
problem is corrected.
• If you have connected your computer to the parallel port on the printer, make sure you are using a genuine HP
parallel interface cable.
• Depending on the software, drivers and RIPs you are using with your printer, there will be different solutions to
this problem. Refer to the Vendor’s User Documentation for details.
One image overlays another on the same sheet
• The I/O Setup / I/O Timeout setting may be too long. From the front-panel menu, decrease the setting and
print again.