Group Administration &
Group Administration &Group Administration &
Group Administration &
Group administration simplifies an IT administrator's task of configuring and managing large
deployments of Integrated Lights-Out processors. Using the HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility, an
administrator can easily configure network settings, global settings, and activate the ProLiant Essentials
iLO Advanced Pack license keys on a group of Integrated Lights-Out processors at a time. This can be
performed in a batch process or by using HP System Insight Manager's powerful device query
mechanism. Integrated Lights-Out also allows group actions on one or many servers including
controlling the power switch, rebooting, retrieving important blade topology information, and switching
on/off the Unit ID LED using scripts. In addition, group actions can be executed from the HP SIM menu
with iLO firmware v 1.70 or greater.
Remote Firmware Update
Remote Firmware UpdateRemote Firmware Update
Remote Firmware Update
This feature ensures that Integrated Lights-Out is always up-to-date with the latest firmware available
from HP. Updates to the ROM code on Integrated Lights-Out are accomplished through the browser
interface, XML scripting, or using a online flash components for Windows and Linux.
Auxiliary Power
Auxiliary PowerAuxiliary Power
Auxiliary Power
The Integrated Lights-Out management processor obtains its power from the auxiliary power plane of the
server. If the server provides Redundant Power Supplies (RPS) then Integrated Lights-Out will use
redundant power and will continue operation in the event of a power supply failure
HP Systems Insight
HP Systems InsightHP Systems Insight
HP Systems Insight
Manager, Insight
Manager, InsightManager, Insight
Manager, Insight
Manager 7 and System
Manager 7 and SystemManager 7 and System
Manager 7 and System
Management Home Page
Management Home PageManagement Home Page
Management Home Page
HP Systems Insight Manager and Insight Manager 7 discover all Integrated Lights-Out devices installed in
servers on the network as management processors. The management processors are associated with the
servers in which they are installed. Systems Insight Manager and Insight Manager 7 provide hyperlinks on
the server device pages to launch and connect to Integrated Lights-Out. In additional, all Integrated
Lights-Out devices can be grouped together logically, displayed on one page and issued group action
commands from the HP SIM menu bar. This capability provides access to Integrated Lights-Out from one
point in Systems Insight Manager and Insight Manager 7. Combined with System Management Home
Page, Integrated Lights-Out provides remote access to system management information through the
Integrated Lights-Out Web browser interface.
Headless Server
Headless ServerHeadless Server
Headless Server
Enables deployment of headless servers in a data center, eliminating the need to have a monitor,
keyboard, mouse, and switch box in every rack. Provides superior cable management by reducing the
required external cables from five to three per server.
Alert Administration
Alert AdministrationAlert Administration
Alert Administration
Provides support for delivery of SNMP server agent and Integrated Lights-Out generated alerts to a
management console such as HP Systems Insight Manager. Traps forwarded by the processor can be
configured in Insight Manager for delivery to an administrator's pager or e-mail.
Integrated Management
Integrated ManagementIntegrated Management
Integrated Management
Integrated Lights-Out manages the server's Integrated Management Log that can be accessed using a
supported browser, even when the server is not operational. This capability can be helpful when
troubleshooting remote host server problems.
Integrated Lights-Out
Integrated Lights-OutIntegrated Lights-Out
Integrated Lights-Out
Event Log
Event LogEvent Log
Event Log
It includes a detailed event log independent of operating system, which is easily accessible through the
browser or through Insight Manager. User actions like server power on/off, reset, changes in user
configuration, clear event log, successful and unsuccessful login attempts are logged in the Integrated
Lights-Out Event Log enabling auditing of user actions by the supervisor.
HP Integrated Lights-Out
HP Integrated Lights-OutHP Integrated Lights-Out
HP Integrated Lights-Out
Standard Features
DA - 10861 North America — Version 21 — April 3, 2009
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