Support Note for Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating System on ItaniumĀ® 2-based Systems
Known Problems
Chapter 110
Known Problems
1. Graphics card compatibility between Itanium 2-based workstations and IA-32 systems.
Graphics cards for Itanium 2-based workstations are not currently compatible with those
on IA-32 systems. HP has tested and validated only the graphics card options that are
available for purchase on Itanium 2-based systems. Though other cards may work, HP
supports only graphics configurations installed or sold with its systems.
2. Problems with digital connections when installing a system from recovery media.
When installing a system from recovery media, the digital connection from an HP L1820
flat panel to the Nvidia Quadro4-900XGL graphics card does not work. Installation using
the analog connection from the panel to the graphics card functions properly. When you
have reinstalled the system, you can install the Nvidia accelerated driver and use the
digital connection with no problems.
3. Using the XDM login manager.
The XDM login manager has known instabilities. HP currently recommends kdm or gdm
as effective alternatives. Leave the default GNOME options from the installation package
selected because they will install the utility that provides login functionality without
causing system failure. You can also use the kdm login manager provided in the KDE
NOTE Pre-installed and recovery images are configured with GNOME as the
default, so you should not experience instabilities relative to the XDM
window manager.
4. No support for uncertified .rpm packages.
If you add uncertified .rpms to the operating system, it will not be supported. Only .rpms
bundled in supported Linux distributions for Itanium 2-based workstations and official
Red Hat errata for those distributions are supported.
5. No support for systems with a recompiled kernel.
Although you may recompile your kernel to change configuration parameters, HP does not
support systems on which you have recompiled your kernel for any other reason, e.g. for
kernel source code changes.
Supported customizations: