Switch Memory and Configuration
Using Primary and Secondary Flash Image Options
The prompt shows which flash
location will be erased.
Figure 5-10. Example of Erase Flash Prompt
3. Type y at the prompt to complete the flash erase.
4. Use show flash to verify erasure of the selected OS flash image
The “0” here
shows that
primary flash has
been erased.
Figure 5-11. Example of Show Flash Listing After Erasing Primary Flash
Rebooting the Switch
The switch offers reboot options through the boot and reload commands, plus
the options inherent in a dual-flash image system. Generally, using boot
provides more comprehensive self-testing; using reload gives you a faster
reboot time.
Table 5-2. Comparing the Boot and Reload Commands
Actions Included In
Included In
Save all configuration
Optional, Yes, Config changes saved to the
changes since the last boot
or reload
with prompt automatic startup-config file
Perform all system self-tests Yes No Reload provides a faster system
Choice of primary or Yes No—Uses
secondary the current
flash image.