Category Description Computer models
equipped with
GLE960 system
Computer models
equipped with
GME965 system
Windows Vista Business with XP Professional
Japan (in Japan only)
Windows Vista Business with XP Professional
Japan with Office Personal (in Japan only)
√ √
Windows Vista Business with XP Professional
Japan with Office Personal with PowerPoint (in
Japan only)
√ √
Windows Vista Business with XP Professional
Japan with Office Professional (in Japan only)
√ √
Windows Vista Home Premium with Office Ready √ √
FreeDOS √ √
Red Flag Linux (in the People's Republic of China
√ √
Mandriva Linux √ √
Restore media:
Windows Vista Basic 32 √ √
Windows Vista Home Premium √ √
Windows Vista Business 32 √ √
Red Flag Linux (in the People's Republic of China
√ √
DRDVD Windows Vista √ √
DRDVD Windows XP Pro √ √
Windows® XP Professional √ √
Web Support: Windows® XP Professional √ √
Certified: Microsoft® WHQL √ √
Serviceability End-user replaceable parts:
AC adapter √ √
Battery (system) √ √
Hard drive √ √
Memory module √ √
Optical drive √ √
WLAN module √√