Chapter 2: Taking pictures and recording video clips 43
The default ISO Speed setting is Auto, which allows the camera
to pick the best ISO Speed for the scene. The ISO Speed setting
resets to Auto when you turn off the camera.
NOTE When you set the Exposure Mode to Action ,
Landscape , or Portrait , the ISO Speed menu option
is grayed-out, and the camera automatically selects the
best ISO Speed setting.
In the Capture menu (see page 35),
if you press OK when the Color
option is highlighted, the Color
sub-menu displays. This sub-menu
allows you to set the color in which
your images will be captured.
NOTE When you set Color to Sepia,
your images will be captured in brown
colors to make them look aged or old-fashioned.
NOTE Once you have taken a picture using either the Black &
White or Sepia setting, the image cannot be adjusted
back to Full Color later.
The default Color setting is Full Color. The Color setting resets
to Full Color when you turn off the camera.