Table 6 Typical RHEL and SLES file layout
answer files
Various support utilities
Distribution files
Post-deployment scripts for configuration and software installation; as needed,
boot files for deployment
As needed, drivers required for deployment
A small set of smart components required to make the target manageable
Contains operating system specific updates, installed after operating system
Table 7 RHEL and SLES scripted install default settings
Default settingComponent
The root password is password. This password is stored as clear text in the
kickstart/control file. HP recommends changing the default root password.
NOTE: Anonymous network users can access the kickstart file. HP recommends changing
the kickstart file password to the default, once the job is complete.
Root password
The disk space is portioned according to RHEL or SLES default specifications. RHEL installs
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) by default.
Drive configuration
The Linux host name uses the console display name.Host name
Basic Linux server packages are installed.Packages
Firewall settings are disabled.Firewall
All NICs are enabled. SNMP is enabled. The default value of the SNMP community is
Virtualization Host features
These features enable you to deploy Hyper-V, ESX, or ESXi via a scripted install.
• The design of the Hyper-V features is very similar to Windows.
• The design of the ESX features is very similar to Linux.
• Imaging of virtualization hosts is not supported.
• The scripted install jobs include a system configuration task to enable processor virtualization
Design of ESXi is not similar to other operating systems: ESXi does not run Altris Adlagent, but is
an agent-less deployment. Limited network configuration tasks are supported on ESXi from RDP
6.3.1 and later; however, network configuration tasks ( known as reconfigure tasks) must be
scheduled before scheduling ESXi deployment task
Table 8 Hyper-V scripted install default settings
Default settingComponent
The administrator password is password.Administrator password
A single partition is created automatically that expands to the full drive size.Drive configuration
Virtualization Host features 15