Error Codes and Messages 111
Table D-2. ERROR Responses (continued)
Error Code
(ERR? query)
(ERR key)
17 UNCALIBRATED Unexplained EEPROM error; possibly as the result of incorrect calibration
procedure. Recalibrate as described in Appendix A. If the problem persists, a
hardware failure exists (Refer to the Troubleshooting Section in the Service
18 CAL LOCKED Calibration was attempted with the calibration jumper on the HP-IB board in
the lockout position (See Chapter 4 in the Service Manual). Reposition the
jumper and re-calibrate if this is desired.
22 SKIP SLF TST The self test jumper on the HP-IB board is in the Skip Self Test Position (See
Chapter 4 in the Service Manual). Reposition the jumper and carry out self-test
if this is desired.
Table D-3. TEST? Responses
Response Code
(TEST? query)
0 No errors were detected.
20 The timer on the HP-IB board failed self test. Refer to the Troubleshooting Section in the Service
21 The RAM on the HP-IB board failed self test. Refer to the Troubleshooting Section in the Service
Manual. Note that if this failure occurred at power-on, it cannot be displayed on the front panel.
27 The ROM on the HP-IB board failed self test. Refer to the Troubleshooting Section in the Service
Manual. Note that if this failure occurred at power-on, it cannot be displayed on the front panel.