Front Panel Operation - 5
System Keys
Refer to the examples later in this chapter for more details on the use of these keys.
Figure 5-2. System Keys
This is the blue, unlabeled key, which is also shown as in this guide.
Pressing this key accesses the alternate or shifted function of a key (such as
ERROR ). Release the key after you press it. The Shift annunciator is lit,
indicating that the shifted keys are active.
Press to change the dc source's selected interface from remote operation to local
(front panel) operation. Pressing the key will have no effect if the interface state is
already Local, Local-with-Lockout, or Remote-with-Lockout.
Press to access the system address menu. This menu lets you configure the dc
source's interface. Address Menu entries are stored in non-volatile memory.
Display Command Function
ADDRESS <value> Sets the HP-IB Address
INTF <char> Selects an interface (HPIB or RS232)
BAUDRATE<value> Selects baud rate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)
PARITY <char> Message parity (NONE, EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE)
FLOW <char> Flow control (XON-XOFF, RTS-CTS, DTR-DSR, NONE)
LANG <char>I Selects language (SCPI or COMP)
value = a numeric value
char = a character string parameter
Use and to scroll through the command list.
Use and to scroll through the parameter list.
Press to place the dc source into a previously stored state. You can recall up to 4
(0 through 3) previously stored states.
Press to display the system error codes stored in the SCPI error queue. This action
also clears the queue. If there is no error in the queue, 0 is displayed.
Press to store an existing dc source state in non-volatile memory. The parameters
saved are listed under *SAV in the dc source Programming Guide. You can save
up to 4 states (0 through 3).