
Select To do this
DriveLock Passwords
Enable/disable DriveLock on any computer hard drive (enabled by default).
Change a DriveLock user password or master password.
NOTE: DriveLock settings are accessible only when you enter Computer Setup by turning
on (not restarting) the computer.
Automatic DriveLock Enable/disable Automatic DriveLock support.
Disk Sanitizer Run Disk Sanitizer to destroy all existing data on the primary hard drive.
CAUTION: If you run Disk Sanitizer, the data on the primary hard drive is destroyed
System IDs Enter a user-defined computer asset tracking number and ownership tag.
Always Prompt for HP SpareKey
Enable/disable a prompt for HP SpareKey enrollment.
Diagnostics menu
Select To do this
System Diagnostics menu
F1 System Information—Displays the following information:
Identification information for the computer and the batteries in the system.
Specification information for the processor, cache and memory size, system
ROM, video revision, and keyboard controller version.
F2 Start-up Test—Verifies the system components needed for starting the computer.
F3 Run-In Test—Runs a comprehensive check on system memory.
F4 Hard Disk Test—Runs a comprehensive self-test on any hard drive in the
Computer Setup menus 99