HP PCL Commands
30 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
10.5 Job Control
10.5.1 Reset
Esc E
Performs a reset on the printer (this is NOT a hardware reset). The reset performs the follow-
Prints all data received before the reset.
“Floats” CAP.
Resets all programmable features to their user default values.
Deletes temporary fonts.
Does not delete downloaded permanent features.
Resets the color palette to black and white.
Esc E has no effect on I/O and causes no disruption in host-to-peripheral communication. The
printer remains on-line and no data is lost.
Esc E should be the first command received at the beginning of a job (e.g., before font down-
load) to establish default conditions; and it should be the last command at the end of a job to
leave the machine in the user default state and clear any partially composed pages.
Esc E “floats” CAP on the current page if no printable data has been received; otherwise it
ejects the current page and “floats” CAP on the next page.
CAP is floating prior to printable characters, or commands affecting CAP. (Commands affect-
ing CAP are ASCII data, LF, CAP moves, space, etc.). Commands affecting top and left mar-
gins, line spacing, page length, and orientation can change CAP while it is floating.
CAP is fixed following printable characters or commands affecting CAP. CAP is fixed to the left
margin and top margin plus 3/4 VMI upon receipt of printable characters or raster graphics
commands that explicitly move CAP fix it at the specified location. Commands changing the
top and left margins or line spacing cannot affect a fixed CAP; page length or orientation com-
mands eject the page, moving CAP to the top-of-form on the subsequent page. If no printable
data is received, page length and orientation commands eject the page only if the device can-
not move the paper back to the top of form. The intent is to not eject unnecessary blank pages.
Since control panel settings can override the factory defaults, Esc E uses the control panel
settings as the default values.
The SPACE character is not considered a printable character with respect to CAP.