By responding to the
Enter Request:
message at the end of the main
configuration menu with "4" (Set Number of Printers), you may
change the number of computer ports and printer ports.
Print Master 706A will respond with:
Number of printers is....................1
Enter Number of Printers (1 to 5)........:
Enter the number of printers that you desire.
Print Master 708A will show the Number of Printer from 1 to
ports on Print Master Models
706A and 708A are reserved as printer ports. The Model 706A has a
total of six available ports; as many as five of these ports may be
printer ports with the remainder reserved as computer ports. The
Model 708A has a total of eight available ports; as many as seven of
these ports may be printer ports with the remainder reserved as
computer ports.
For example, if you configure two printer ports, these would be ports
1, 2. If you configure four printer ports, these would be ports 1, 2, 3,
and 4. They may not be configured in any other order.
When the number of printers is changed, the printer
assignment number on all computer ports automatically resets to 0
putting the computers in the printer contention mode.
Print Master will save the new number of printers permanently in
non-volatile memory and return to the main configuration menu (
Section 7.1.1