You will also need to change the serial port configuration of your PC's
com port to match that of the Print Master. If using the Print Master's
factory default serial configuration, this is accomplished via the DOS
C:>MODE COMy: 9600, N, 8,1,P
where y is the number
of the appropriate com port. This command should be part of your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Alternatively, you may use the SMODE.EXE
utility to operate at speeds greater than 9600 bps.
All commands shown in bold print above and on the previous
page should be located in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file after the PATH
command and before any DOS shell commands. You should use
DOS EDLIN or EDIT to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Please
refer to your DOS documentation for instructions on EDLIN or EDIT.
As an alternative, you may use the non-document mode of a word
processing package such as Word Perfect to edit your
EXAMPLE: Suppose you are connecting your PC's COM1 port to
Print Master using factory default serial parameters and you intend to
use the RAMEXEC hot key software which has been copied to a
subdirectory call BAYTECH. Your AUTOEXEC.BAT file would need
to contain the following commands:
MODE COM1: 9600,N,8,1,P
The vertical dots before the PATH command and after the RAMEXEC
command represent other commands that may be part of your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The horizontal dots shown in the PATH
command represent other subdirectories that may be part of the
PATH command.