You may now reconfigure Port 5 by selecting the appropriate option
(1-6) from the menu. For example, to change the baud rate to 2400
baud, send character "2" (Set baud rate). Print Master will respond
with this menu:
1 For 110
2 For 135
3 For 300
4 For 600
5 For 1200
6 For 2400
7 For 4800
8 For 9600
9 For 19200
Enter request:
Send "6" for 2400 baud rate, and Print Master will respond with the
reconfigured status of the port:
Port Baud
Pariity Xon/
5 2400 8 1 None Off
Exit/save......1 Set stop bits.....4
Set baud rate..2 Set parity........5
Set word size..3 Set Xon/Xoff......6
Enter request:
If you wish to make other configuration changes for Port 5, you may
do so by responding to the menu. If there are no other changes for
this port, send "1" (Exit/Save), and Print Master will respond with:
Save Changes Permanently? (Y/N):
When changing the configuration of the master configuration
port, Print Master will also respond with:
Change Host Device to NEW Configuration
Before Answering This Request.
This reminds you to make sure the configuration of the terminal
matches the new configuration of the master configuration port. If
they do not match, you will be locked out of Print Master and unable
to access its functions.