Back to TOC Using accessories 73
Adjusting midtones for transparent items
You can adjust the overall lightness or darkness of the scanned image
using the midtone setting. The range for the number in the Midtone
field is -100 to 100.
To lighten transparent items overall
1 On the Advanced menu, click Adjust Exposure.
2 Do one of the following:
● Drag the Midtone slider up.
● Type a higher number in the Midtone field and press ENTER.
To darken transparent items overall
1 On the Advanced menu, click Adjust Exposure.
2 Do one of the following:
● Drag the Midtone slider down.
● Type a lower number in the Midtone field and press ENTER.
To return to the default settings
1 On the Advanced menu, click Adjust Exposure.
2 Click Auto to return the midtone, highlight, and shadow settings to
the defaults for this transparent item.
Adjusting highlights for transparent items
You can adjust highlights to lighten or darken the light areas. The
range for the number in the Highlights field is -100 to 100.
To lighten lighter areas
1 On the Advanced menu, click Adjust Exposure.
2 Do one of the following:
● Drag the Highlight slider up.
● Type a higher number in the Highlights field and press ENTER.
To darken lighter areas
1 On the Advanced menu, click Adjust Exposure.
2 Do one of the following:
● Drag the Highlight slider down.
● Type a lower number in the Highlights field and press ENTER.
To return to the default settings
1 On the Advanced menu, click Adjust Exposure.
2 Click Auto to return the midtone, highlight, and shadow settings to
the defaults for this transparent item.