Company confidential. Murillo/Ravillo User’s Guide. Final Freeze Status: Frozen
This is the cyan on page 6-4 (seq: 136)
This is the black on page 6-4 (seq: 136)
Managing Plots Not Yet Printed (The Queue)
The normal sequence of events is:
1 You send a plot from your computer (or choose one of the internal sample plots
from the
Demos menu).
2 The plotter’s
Receiving light flashes while it receives and processes the data.
3 The plotter starts printing or, if queueing is on, places it in the queue until its turn
comes round.
To Start Printing a Plot That is Waiting for a Timeout
If all is in order (media loaded, cartridges loaded, no file error), there are still two
reasons why a plot you have sent from your computer may not start printing when
The plot file may lack a proper file terminator and the plotter is therefore
waiting for the specified
I/O timeout period before assuming it is complete. See
page 7-9.
Nesting may be on and the plotter is waiting for the specified Nest wait timeout
period before calculating the appropriate nests. See page 6-12.
In either case, if you want to override the timeout period and start printing
Press Form Feed and Cut on the front panel.
Form Feed
and Cut
Managing Your Plots
Managing Plots Not Yet Printed (The Queue)