Figure 9 - Sycard Test Results
The OmniBook model F1360 supports zoom video and Cardbus. If a Sycard model 450
PCMCIA socket tester is found (in the upper slot only), a zoom video test will be run on that slot.
Lower PC Card
Level: 2. This test operates like the upper PC card test, but for the lower slot. Manual insertion
is generally required to test both slots.
Level: 2. This test checks that all three system timers are counting correctly, and that the control
lines of programmable clock 2 are functioning properly.
Real time clock
Level: 2. This test checks for generation of IRQ0, generation of interrupt 1C, time updates,
periodic interrupt, alarm interrupt, and time/date roll-over.
IRQ controller
Level: 2. This test checks the IRQ controllers’ mask register, request register, in-service register,
poll command, and EOI commands. Note that Windows prevents testing the poll command.
DMA controller
Level: 2. This test checks the DMA registers and page registers with the pattern registers, then a
DMA read/write transfer is tested. Note that Windows prevents testing the DMA controller.
IR port
Level: 2. This test requires a second OmniBook running in fast IR loopback mode. The second
OmniBook can be put in fast IR loopback mode either by running Diag with the /F command line
option, or by first running Diag then pressing Alt+F. When in loopback mode, all IR data
Sycard Technology PCCtest 27x/37x software v1.50a
Looking for Texas Instruments PCI-1130 PCI Controller…
TI PCI-1130 Found at Bus 00, Function 00, Device 04
TI PCI-1130 Successfully Configured for I/O address
Testing Slot 0
Socket Controller = Texas Instruments PCI-1130
Checking Socket Controller…............Passed
Power on delay (Vcc = 5 volt)….........Complete
Basic operational test…................Passed
Data pattern test….....................Passed
Address pattern test…..................Passed
Status bit pattern test…...............Passed
Wait bit test….........................Passed
Reset test…............................Passed
INPACK test…...........................Passed
Card voltage test….....................Passed
Audio out test…........................Complete
Power on delay (Vcc = 3.3 volt)….......Complete
Card voltage test (Vcc = 3.3 volt)…....Passed
Test completed with 0 errors - PASSED