
Chapter 5 Problem Solving 284
Correcting Output Quality Problems
Problems with the Optional 5-bin Mailbox with Stapler
Situation Solution
The job was not stapled. Jobs sent to the stapler might not be stapled for one or more
of the following reasons:
! The stapler is out of staples and AUTO CONTINUE is set to
! The wrong size or type of paper was used for the job.
! More than 20 pages were sent to the stapler, exceeding its
! The stapler has bent or broken staples in the stapler head.
(See page 222
! A staple jam was recently cleared (up to 2 following jobs
might not be stapled).
! The job was sent to a bin other than the stapler bin
because the wrong size or type of paper was used for the
! One-page jobs will not be stapled.
! The interface cable between the mailbox and the stapler
unit may be defective or not connected properly.