Appendix B Control Panel Menus 456
Configuration of MBM Menu
Configuration of MBM Menu
This menu defines the operating mode for the 7-bin Tabletop Mailbox, 8-bin
Mailbox, or 5-bin Mailbox with Stapler.
Item Value Explanation
Defines the operating mode for the multibin mailbox that is
MAILBOX: Each bin can be addressed individually as the
destination and can have a name assigned to it by the
network or printer administrator.
STACKER: Stacks the output from the lowest bin to the top,
regardless of job boundaries. This operating mode takes
advantage of the total capacity of the bins. The software
sees the multibin mailbox as one logical bin.
JOB SEPARATOR: Automatically separates incoming jobs,
which may have multiple copies, and assigns a bin to each.
It uses all the bins, but the software sees the multibin
mailbox as one logical bin. If a bin is full, the printer
automatically sends the job to the next available bin.
COLLATOR: Automatically separates mopies. Each mopy is
delivered in consecutive bins, starting with the Face-up Bin.