HP PCL Commands
HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide 81
The following data is compressed using method 3. Italicized bytes are those needing replace-
ment, i.e., bytes different from the seed row. Graphics data is binary.
Esc * r 1 A
Start Raster initializes the seed row to all zeros.
Row 1 - Esc * b 3 m 2 W (00000001 )( 11111111 )
3m selects method 3, and 2W indicates that 2 bytes of data will follow. The upper three bits of
the command byte are zero, indicating that one byte will be replaced. The lower five bits con-
tain a relative offset of 1, indicating that the replacement occurs one byte in from the current
position. The replacement byte follows and contains 11111111.
Row 2 - Esc * b 2 W (00000010)(11110000)
The first three bits of the command bye are 0 indicating one byte will be replaced. The lower
five bits contain a relative offset of 2; so the replacement will occur 2 bytes from the current
position. The replacement byte 11110000 follows.
Row 3 - Esc * b 5 W (00000000)(00001111)(00100010)(10101010)(1010 1010)
Three bytes are replaced using two commands. The first three bits of the first command byte
are zero, indicating a single byte replacement, and the next five bits are zero, indicating a rela-
tive offset of zero. The replacement byte 00001111 follows.
The first three bits of the second command byte are 001, indicating the replacement of two
bytes; and the lower five bits contain a relative offset of two. The two replacement bytes
(10101010)(10101010) follow the command byte.
Method 9 - Compressed Replacement Delta Row Encoding
Like Method 3, this method replaces only bytes in the current row that differ from the preced-
ing (seed) row. Unlike Method 3, the replacement (delta) bytes may be encoded.
A delta compression string consists of a command byte, optional offset bytes, optional
replacement count bytes, and the replacement data.
The command byte itself has three parts:
Byte #: 1 2 3 4 5
Row 1 00000000 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000
Row 2 00000000 11111111 11110000 00000000 00000000
Row 3 00001111 11111111 11110000 10101010 10101010
Optional Offset
Optional Replacement Count
Control Bit Offset Count Replacement Count