ENWW Job storage features 71
Proofing and holding a job
The proof and hold feature provides a quick and easy way to print and proof one copy of a job
and then to print the additional copies.
To permanently store the job and prevent the MFP from deleting it when space is needed for
something else, select the Job Storage option in the driver.
To create a proof and hold job
CAUTION If the MFP needs additional space to store newer proof and hold jobs, the MFP deletes other
stored proof and hold jobs, starting with the oldest job. To permanently store a job and prevent
the MFP from deleting it when space is needed, select the Job Storage option in the driver instead
of the Proof and Hold option.
In the driver, select the Proof and Hold option and type a user name and job name.
The MFP prints one copy of the job for you to proof. Then, see Printing the remaining copies of a
held job.
Printing the remaining copies of a held job
At the MFP control panel, use the following procedure to print the remaining copies of a job held
on the hard disk.
To print a proof and hold job
1 Touch Menu.
2 Touch Retrieve Job.
3 Scroll to User Name.
4 Touch your user name.
5 Scroll to your job, and touch the job.
6 Touch Print. The screen changes to Copies=n. To change the number, use the numeric
keypad or scroll to select a new number, and touch OK.
Deleting a held job
When you send a proof and hold job, the MFP automatically deletes your previous proof and hold
job. If the job name does not have a proof and hold job associated with it, and the MFP needs
additional space, the MFP might delete other proof and hold jobs, starting with the oldest one.
To delete a proof and hold job
1 Touch Menu.
2 Touch Retrieve Job.
3 Scroll to and touch your name.
4 Scroll to and touch your job.
5 Touch Delete.
6 Touch Yes.